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Lovaas Ranch is a family-owned and operated ranch founded in 1983. Managed by Daryl Lovaas and his family: Lorey, his wife, and two children, Madison and Jay. The cowherd averages between 90 and 120 dams. We currently offer two breeding and calving seasons that consist of AI offerings of the best Sires in the industry to support the Seedstock producer, but most importantly the commercial cattlemen and women.
We have always been advocates of crossbreeding and we understand the hybrid vigor that comes from leading Continental and British breeds. Heterosis values standout in both breeds.
Our bulls are conditioned to perform with the expectations of our buyers so we don’t over- feed to sell a bull that is lazy and fat due to excessive feeding. They are fed to assist in muscular, structural and sound development. They are in large pastures to maintain the athletic spirit as well as good feet and legs to work your herds. Our bulls are put on fescue grass in the spring and winter months; and mature bulls feed on Bermuda grass in the summer months.
Our Cattle are produced with the mindset of offering the best genetics possible for any producer. The importance of phenotype and growth is always one of the main focuses for our customers, but the Lovaas ranch balance has been inside maternal traits and a balance of the following:
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